Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Miscellaneous plants in June in Provence, including carnations and the first of the lilies and day-lilies. Many more of the latter to come....

Martagon lily

Snapdragons in a border

A cardoon auditioning for the beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk!

Some roses in June

Rosa ballerina

Conifers and general views of the garden in Provence

Magnolia grandifolia - the only variety that grows in this environment.  I love the way the leaves shine in the intense sunlight.

Ombra mai fu - Xerxes' famous aria in that opera by Handel was sung under a mulberry tree!

Lavender surrounding the borders in the jardin potager

Sequoiadendron giganteum, or Wellingtonia.  The largest tree in the world - some way to go!

One of my favourites - Pinus patula.  It's name suggests that it grows in swamps, but seems to be doing ok here in this very dry part

In the foreground one of several Cryptomeria, which I love!

Plumbago and other plants in pots on the terrace

Pinus patula again, this time in the evening light.

My olives beginning to get up strength.  I planted them very small!